Artwork 201

Have you watched our Artwork 101 webinar? Are you looking to take a deeper dive into templating? Want to learn more details on multiline directionals, alignment commands, and other tricks? If so, this webinar is for you!
During the presentation, we look at the templates that were created during "Artwork 101" and take them to the next level, focusing on advanced techniques such as case-sensitivity, leading, and alignment commands. We also design a new directional sign using repeating messages and those advanced commands.
Setting up these templates is like tying your shoes before you run; you can save tons of time in the long run by setting things up right from the start.
You can download the templates used in this presentation by clicking the links below and then upload them directly into SignAgent.
Webinar Agenda:
- Changing symbol alignment (1:40)
- Changing text alignment (8:34)
- Cap Height (17:24)
- Target Alignment (19:50)
- Directional Signs (29:00)
- Q&A (50:07)
- Changing symbol alignment (1:40)
- Changing text alignment (8:34)
- Cap Height (17:24)
- Target Alignment (19:50)
- Directional Signs (29:00)
- Q&A (50:07)
If you still have questions about templates feel free to contact us at
Short on time and need help creating templates? We can help! You can also purchase advanced training & consultation blocks to help you become an advanced SignAgent user. Check out our project services page for more details or to request an estimate.