How to Complete Sign Surveys using SignAgent

Person holding an IPad while completing a sign survey

What is a Sign Survey and When is it Done? Before you can begin to plan and design a new signage program, you need to have a solid understanding of your current sign assets and information. That’s why wayfinding and signage projects, just like any graphic design projects, should always begin with a pre-design phase…

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SignAgent Inc. Launches SignAgent™: New Cloud-Based Sign Project Management Platform

SignAgent's Logo (Old Branding)

BURLINGTON, ON, January 23, 2018 Today, SignAgent Inc. announces the launch of its new all-in-one cloud-based wayfinding and project management platform called SignAgent™. The brand new platform represents a significant shift in how sign designers, sign managers and sign fabricators will do their work. SignAgent increases the speed of project delivery, reduces errors and improves…

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